
Mis-information and Dis-Information is top unresolved problem in all three of the top (IEEEE)technology Megatrends. With the release of GAI capability and speed at which information iscreated and circulated is magnified. Nearly all everyone is impacted in some way by misinformation.

  • Election tampering concerns are reported repeatedly during election time
  • Deepfakes have surfaced nearly flawless accuracy
  • Social media is abundant with fake news and misleading agendas from unknown source
  • Continuous phishing attacks arrive in nearly every email box daily.

All of this and the current best practices of cybersecurity operations are implementable only those with large staff, network security operations centers, and sizable discretionary spending budgets for analysis tools. BlockFrame® family of products in changing the game proving the enablement of cost effective trust on a granular level. We have started by seeking to provide misinformation prevention, a Philosophy that everyone wants and then created tools to address the underlying problems. Implementing Misinformation Prevention.

Misinformation Prevention

Using the BlockFrame® family of products to prevent Misinformation:

  • Utilize EliteSecure service to include verification of legitimate content.
  • Implement applications that only allow the use data which contains EliteSecure metadata proofs.
  • Only except operational business actions from EcoSecure enabled devices after zero-trust verification of their CyberDome and ESP credentials.
  • High risk data or potential misinformation should be verified using the EliteSecure metadata
  • Failure of attestation of any EliteSecure credentials should be followed up with tracking the path of receipt on the Philos timestamped Distributed Ledger to determine the first ESP device which forwarded the content.
  • Failure of multi-factor identification of ESP IoT device should be followed by verification of related data EliteSecure metadata.
  • Any attestation or MFI failure should be treated as real time security compromise.
  • Security compromise empowered by AttestedAI algorithms immediately identify all identifiable Systems and Humans in the loop.
  • Reduce trust levels an Increase risk levels assigned in real time enable AI analytics to engage potential legal enforcement.

BlockFrame® architectural and design teams are available for services at any stage with consulting, reference APIs, custom design or, application development. Contact us for support.

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